Dear Members,
I hope you are enjoying your summer. We could do with a bit more sunshine though!At the AGM everyone agreed that we had enjoyed another successful year. Our ‘Stitch and Chat’ days continue to be well supported. We plan to offer more workshop opportunities this year, while still catering for those of you who are quite happy to come along and stitch and chat. We are finding that it is the ideal place to gain help and advice, due to members sharing their expertise.
Pat and Lynda have produced a busy programme for the forthcoming session of 2016/17 with a great variety of talks, day-schools and workshops catering for a wide range of interests. A paper copy is enclosed, along with Day School information. A syllabus card will be issued at enrolment which will act as a receipt of membership. This syllabus will also be available to view on our blog* (see below).
Please remember if you enrol for a Dayschool and are unable to attend to let the organiser know. Last session we had a few “no shows” on the day, places which could have been filled had we known in advance.
An exciting project which we discussed at the AGM, is to produce some form of record of work showing the immense talent and variety of skills within our membership. Details will be available soon.
*Members can keep up to date with events on
In the meantime, keep sewing and crafting and please bring your summer projects along for our display at the first meeting in September.
I look forward to seeing you all then.
Best wishes,