Wednesday, 13 September 2023

talk - My Journey in Patchwork and Textile Art' by Susie Stehli

 Our new term session kicked off with a fascinating talk by Susie, who brought along a stunning selection of patchwork and art quilts she had made over many years, tracing her journey from the early days and evolving as time went on. They were meticulously made and so neat and colourful, we were all seriously impressed! Susie is doing a day school in October based on the gingko picture below, so looking forward to that. She was really enthusiastic and a delight to listen to.

Susie's work can also be viewed on her website, and she also has a shop in Arbroath Main Street call H'Art and Soul where she runs workshops and exhibitions.

New Session starts with Member's Summer Projects

 It was lovely to meet with old friends after the summer break (though the 'summer' bit was very short!). We enjoyed a fascinating talk by Susie Stehli (see the next post), and members had brought along things they had made over the break. We then had tea and a super spread of homemade cakes brought be some of the committee.

Monday, 4 September 2023

New Sessions for Autumn 2023 starts 13th September

 After the summer (!) break, Angus Embroiderers will be meeting again, with the first session on Wednesday 13th September at 2.00 pm at Guthrie Village Hall. It will be a talk by Susie Stehli, entitled 'My Journey in Patchwork and Textile Art', followed by refreshments.

Non-members are very welcome, details on the 'About Us' page above, so if anyone is interested in any form of embroidery or textile art, please come along to an enthusiastic and friendly club where we'll be delighted to see you.