Wednesday, 26 April 2023

AGM, challenge and tea

 Today was our last meeting of the term, and we had our AGM. Maggie and Isabel are standing down after doing their stint of sterling work as Secretary and Chair, and are replaced by Allyson Angus as Secretary and Nancy Craig as Chair. Meg Woomble is now Vice Chair. Minutes will be sent out in due course.

The challenge this year was 'My Favourite Place', and members brought along a diverse selection of themed work, which was won by Linda Walker with a gorgeous collage textile made of flotsam and jetsam. I must have had a senior moment as I forgot to take any photos (sorry, ladies!) - must be my age 😬.

We had a super spread of sandwiches, cakes, strawberries, cookies and birthday cake (my landmark one, hence the senior moment 😄🎂).

Hope everyone has a lovely summer, and look forward to meeting again in September.

Thursday, 13 April 2023

'A Long Walk' - Day School with Sheila Mortlock

 A fun day was had by all with Sheila, playing with paints and mediums. Everyone had brought references from their favourite walks, and interpreted these onto paper. Each was given an A3 sheet of paper which they cut lengthways into three and taped together to make a long strip. It was dabbed with gesso, and things pressed into it to make textures, such as bubble wrap, sponges etc. Then white acrylic paint was added, and the process repeated. Then PVA glue was added and they glued on bits of scrim, tissue paper, paper, and things to raise the surface. When dry, paints were added in colours to suit the references.

Then came the fun bit, with marks being made with paints, twigs, brushes, crayons, pastels and inks, and imagination! Once dry, the paper was folded into a concertina book to take the memories home.

Wednesday, 5 April 2023

Finding Art in Retirement - talk by Gerrie Somerville

 Retirement opens up so many opportunities for people to try new things, or to take up something they have always wanted to do but life gets in the way. Gerrie is on such person. Although good at art at school, she didn't take it further but went into teaching, and also had a family. Only when she retired was she able to take up art again , encouraged by her husband (who bought her the box easel below, fast turning into a Picasso painting), and taking adult education classes.

Gerrie likes to use watercolour and acrylic paints, and showed us her materials and tools. She brought along a selection of her paintings, and quite varied they were. She also makes prints, cards, and fridge magnets to market her work, and takes part in North East Open Studios (running in September). More of Gerrie's work can be seen on her website