Today's talk was something a bit different, as it was about the conception and creation of design for textiles. Astrid took us through her career journey from watching her mother at the sewing machine making clothes and toys, inspiring her to a career in fabric. After leaving school she spent a year doing an Art Foundation course, which helped her choose her path. She did a two year course in fabric design and developed an interest in furnishing patterns particularly.
She has worked for luminaries such as Sandersons and John Lewis, before going freelance, producing designs for curtains, cushions, wall hangings and more. She had a break to raise her family, and then started again by having a website and Etsy shop, and now sells her work all over the world.
The process starts with drawings on paper, and making colourways, to screen printing. Astrid had brought along examples of the process, some of which you see below. Her designs are modern and very fresh, clean colours. Astrid will be taking a day school shortly where we can make a lampshade in the style of the one below. More of her work can be seen on her website
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